Monday, February 27, 2012

Photography/Cooking (sort of)

Over the weekend I finally bit the bullet and, after many months of research, ran out and purchased my first DSLR camera. I am by no means a photographer: I've used the school's DSLRs on occasion over the last few years and even halfway payed attention in class about how to use them properly.  That being said, I was fully excited to dive right in to my new toy and take pictures of... something.  Sadly, that something ended up being whatever happened to be in my kitchen cupboards that day.

For Christmas my grandma bought me a Babycakes Cake Pop maker.  If you don't know what that is, that's fine.  I didn't know what it was even when I was staring at it on my lap.  Nevertheless, I jumped right into it over break, trying my hand at what my family not-so-elegantly named "cake balls" (mostly because I was too lazy to put the sticks in them and decorate them).

This is the part where pseudo-baking meets college laziness: I rarely (never) posses eggs, butter, or consumable milk in my refrigerator.  At one time someone mentioned to me being able to bake a box cake mix by mixing it with a can of Diet Coke, so that's where the cooking/photography journey began this weekend.
I had one random box of cake mix shoved in the back of my cupboard that I had purchased on a whim (at BigLots, no less), so I was all set.

If you're thinking the mixing-powder-with-soda event sounds moderately disgusting, you are correct.  The carbonation creates a strange texture, but once you get it mixed thoroughly the texture is basically the same as if you had made it with real food ingredients.  Once it gets to that point, my loads of previous cake ball creation experience told me the next important step was to pour the batter into a gallon Ziploc bag to properly inject the cake ball holes.  As easy as this sounds, it is messy and ridiculous to try to do alone.  I probably should've thought twice about exposing my new camera to such circumstances, but everyone made it out alive this time.  Anyway, after the batter is in the bag and the corner is snipped off it's time to go to town squeezing it into the molds and waiting about 4 minutes for them to bake.
If the stars are aligned correctly and the world decides to spare you the disappointment of raw-inside cake balls, they come out cute and delicious.  Well, not as cute as if you have the patience to decorate them properly, I guess.
I ended up with a big bowl full of Cherry Chip cake balls, which is ordinarily something I'd be thrilled about, but it turns out Cherry Chip cake is pretty freakin' gross.  I donated them to a friend to take home to her family, which is lovely because even the smell of them was a bit too much for me.

A learning experience, times 4.


  1. great post! I loveit! =D
    stunning blog

  2. First, i love the background you have now haha very pretty. Next, the food you made? Uhm...YUM! idk what the baby cakes maker is but now i want one. haha And finally, I just got my first DSLR camera too! (well, for christmas) I love it! i got the canon Rebel t3i, what did you get? I know mine makes me feel like such a pro even tho i dont know what im doing with it yet. i also wish there were more chances to take really beautiful photos of everything. maybe youre on to something with photographing your food..... haha nice post!

    1. haha that's the camera I just got too! I was looking at getting it for a long time but couldn't justify spending the money, so eventually I just broke down and bought it. so exciting!

  3. "If you're thinking the mixing-powder-with-soda event sounds moderately disgusting, you are correct." Made me laugh out loud. I saw this recipe on Pinterest. Thanks for the honest review!

  4. I love substituting ingredients in cake mixes! I'll have to try this, but like you mentioned, not with the Cherry Chip mix hahaha. I have a recommendation for another one if you want to break out that Cake Pop Maker again. You use a moist devil's food cake mix and then add a can of pumpkin, not the pie filling, but the actual pumpkin, and just mix the two together. Easy!

  5. Maybe you should bring the Baby Cakes maker to class on Pinterest day! I've seen these two ingredient recipes on Pinterest and wondered. Lesson learned - no cherry chip.
